Summary and detail tags added to thoughts homepage. Making it a lot more concise.
Jan 30th
Changed links to update page and back to buttons, just looks a little better in my opinon.
Added "Clean ups" where spelling mistakes are meant to be fixed.
Added the web cleanup page. And fixed some linking issues right after I'm sure no viewers saw.
Jan 31rst
Added the first image on the thought called "Third International Theory.
Feb 2nd
Added footer with my email
(Not really an update, but) Messed around with different fonts, non really looked good. Funny how you would have NEVER known if I had not typed it here.
Feb 3rd
Reworked how top buttons work. So its more of a bar up there rather then links.
Added Stamp Collection page.
Coming up-Rework to update page & maybe a specific thoughts page, like thoughts are more specific things.
Feb 6th
Added a "Past Thoughts" page. Making the homepage look better and so the footer is not buried.
I am still thinking about the rework to the update page and specific thoughts thing. I am also thinking about adding a section where you can click some links and theres pages with certain thoughts bunched up together, like from diferent genres like politics and such.