On this page you can see past thoughts from specific months so the homepage is more concise and such.
The Third International Theory is the political and economic theory made by that Libyan dicatator that I wrote of before. I got the actual Green Book that he used for his copy-cat cultural revolution in Libya. A green revolution one may say. I have only begun to read it, I don't agree with the political thought that the way of modern democracy is horrible. Sure there are various flaws with it. But it would be impossible to keep an functioning modern American state with a dismantled democracy. Could you image the people's assemblies with the huge population of America? Yeah many could not. Its a system relying on the "will of the people'. Really the ideology of the Third International Theory was just a way for Gaddafi just to hold better control over his people, and create a mock-cultural revolution.
Something that is truley amazing in our world is languages. The simple fact that humans, these animals. Creatures among the rest in the world. Have developed so many complex, amazing, and intertwined languages. All for what? Just making sounds to convey ideas. Its really amazing. Could you imagine a world with modern humans without language. No you cant, modern humans would create language fast. Its eaiser to remember for prehistoric humans that had less capacity to think. The fact that humans do this is truley amazing. And we have made it into a nationalistic thing too. People take pride in their language. A nation will keep its language simply because its from their heritage and history. And people would kill each other for language. For their cultural. We are such a developed species that we create fictional ideas like nations and nationality in language and then we kill each other over them. I'm looking at this at a purely natural stand point. I understand the hate for my words some might be feeling at the moment. I get it. But I still think that this seperation is amazing. I still wonder why languages sound so different though. Why did people not think "Dang that sound is hard to make, I think I'll use another one."
One thing that I would love to do in Social Studies class is learning a little about countries around the world and important periods within their history. Like in my first period we are creating a travel brochure, when I'm making one for the Republic of Mongolia I get to see little bits of their history. If students learned more about the world and a little from each history of the world then maybe people can be more considerate. People can be more understanding. In my classes some students use the term Arab and Muslim interchangeably. And I guess they forget the word Islam completely. At least students should learn about world religions in a later grade. Not eighth or seventh grade. Thats all for now. Goodbye.
Yesterday I was betrayed. I thought my family was going to In & Out, but guess where we went? GUESS WHERE, RED CLUCKING ROBIN!!! WHaTTTT!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!!! THats so sad. Anyhow its my birthday. Im 14 years of age. That pretty cool ain't it? I'm not too upset about not getting my cheeseburger because I got Clucks and Fries. Which was pretty cool. But their clucking ice cream machine was broken so I could not get my rootbeer float. I might add a local restaurant's thoughts page. Maybe I'm not sure. Today is also picture day so thats cool ain't it!
I have recently begun randomly saying C h e e s e b u r g e r simply because I had that one long sound of that one guy going h a m b u r g e r. Tonight though things are going to change. I am going to In & Out with my family (really good place btw) and I AM going to get a number 2 with no tomatoes and with onions. And for my drink I will get a nice root beer. Simply amazing no? In & Out is a really good fast food restaurant. It's hard to argue against other people online about restaurants in different areas as each location may operate differently. For example if there's a good MCDonalds in Washington DC, it might be better or worse than one in Michigan. Just like how there might be better or worse In & Out restaurants. But comparing the surrounding restaurants the local In & Out is WAY better quality than the other restaurants like the local Wendy's. I'm gotta go now and eat the C h e e s e b u r g e r. So goodbye. (if u wanna argue email me at jkstanw09@gmail.com)
I see various comments online about various things, and one common type of comment I see on videos and posts about the national anthem is that people don't like how the anthem ever since a couple decades after WWII has been performed solemnly rather than gloriously and at a faster pace. I just now realized the reasoning of performing it solemnly. The glorious battles are supposed to be behind the USA. After World War Two and with the creation of nukes (and understanding of M.A.D) there was never supposed to be another large conventional war ever again. America was past its imperialism after the conquest of the American mainland, Hawaii and Alaska. The USA was also supposed to be the peaceful and righteous compared to the U.S.S.R. This can also be seen in the anthem of NATO compared to the anthem of the Warsaw Pact. The NATO Hymn is peaceful, has birds chirping, and has various harmonies. But the March of the United Armies or the March of the Warsaw Pact is glorious, its pressing and showing military might. Just carving a character for the Cold War. And the anthem being more respectful for all those who died during American wars, WWI and WWII. As it still remains the biggest conflict in HISTORY. Its respect for the Allies and even the soldiers who fought for the Axis. Just the general loss of human life. (and the holocaust, of course.)
This thought is being added to the website through an old Chromebook that was laying around our house. It's pretty cool. It's basically the exact thing that I use at school, but it's mine. I'm a little nerd (if you can't tell, I'm literally making this on NeoCities right now.) and I like to program things and type a lot of things. And with this personal chromebook I can easily update this website when I'm away from my school chromebook or desktop. And I can type up stuff that aren't related to school. Cause I don't know personally about what other people do with their school chromebooks. But I don't think people should be doing random things on their school chromebook. The monitoring extension that the school uses is still on this chromebook (at least when I'm logged in on my school account). All in all having this laptop is nice, no matter if it's actually a chromebook. (I also just got a notification that the last software update has been released for this model of the chromebook since it's so damn old. Youchers I hope thats not a problem in the future, best case scenario it just runs really slow. Worst case scenario it becomes so slow it's completely unusable.) Thats cool and all, goodnight.
From 1969 to 2011 Libya was ruled by a dictator named Muammar Gaddafi. At first he tried to form a union between Syria, Egypt and Libya which eventually failed. So in 1977 he made the Great Socialist People's Arab Libyan Jamahiriya. This was a "socialist state. I could yap about it but basically you gotta understand is this Gaddafi guy actually did raise the living standard for Libyans. He Did invest in the country a lot. But he did a strategy that many other dictators do. They do a bunch of good things to get the trust of the people, then they stop. Like Saddam Hussein Gaddafi did this for a while. Building schools and housing. But just like Saddam, Gaddafi would stop doing this. He would pretty much abandon the Eastern side of the country, he would build an extremely oppressive state. Many people today, especially new generation Libyans, seem to be thinking of him as a actually good leader on websites like Youtube. Many people will argue and argue that the old Libyan state was better than the new one. And personally I agree. At least at its peak the Socialist Libyan state has an actual functioning government. (Though Gaddafi did little to get rid of tribal politics, rather keeping tribes that supported him on top.) But the Libyan state today was carved from NATO and UN intervention. Modern Libya has little of a central government, rather various warlords are fighting for control. But what the modern Libyan state has that Green Libya under Gaddafi never had was the possibility of becoming a way better country. Gaddafi formed everything around him, like a dictator typically does. Modern Libya is not surrounded around one man or his clique. If Libya can come to peace and one warlord could make a central and functioning government then I could see Libya raising its status above just another unstable third world country. But don't care what I'm saying, these are just my thoughts. And I might be yapping about nothing. So yeah, goodbye now!
I am typing this on my home desktop. It is truly amazing compared to the crappy school chromebooks given to students. I can't blame the school or the district, don't get me wrong it's truly amazing that our school can even provide chromebooks for students. But chromebooks in general are not that good. And to do literally anything else I would rather use my desktop. Thats majorly because it's Windows 10. A pretty good operating system that will sadly be killed off by Windows. There is a software that my grand-father suggested that allowed me to bypass certain software things and let me update to Windows 11 even though usually it would not let me. But I can't remember the name. I'll just email him about it. That would be pretty handy. But I would have to backup EVERYTHING. Which spoiler alert I have a LOT of crap. Thats going to be fun huh? I'm not sure how I would do that. I could just send it all to a spare Windows 10 tower we have, then transfer it back later. Or maybe I could zip everything up then ship it to google drive. I'll look into it when I have the time, I'm about to go to bed. So, goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let Bill Gates bite. Goodnight.
I understand the logic behind homework during weekdays. Most kids saying they're struggling with homework during the week are the kids who don't do any of their work. But homework during the weekend? Or at least expecting me to any of it during my time off? BS, I rather have a butt ton of work to do on Monday then have ANY work on the weekend. Right now I'm doing some homework on the weekend. I'm writing this because I want to procrastinate rather than do it right now. I might also add the HTML details tag or whatever its called to the website so its more clean rather than paragraphs of text. So people can see older posts easier. I don't know when I'll add it. In the future though I want to buy supporter on Neocities so I can include a lot more things. Like that wick editor thing I could put games on here. I'm sure my fellow classmates would appreciate that. I also want to go through all the writings and make sure there's no grammatical mistakes. Like the couple I might have just made. Thats all my yapping for now. Dang this is pretty fun! Cya.
There's not many things I wanted to accomplish this school year, but there were some things. And it kinda sucks how the school year here is ending in like 3 or 4 some months. I'm going to be a highschooler. So now I really got to do things I wanted to do. Practice Turkish for my family, learn to play the harmonica. And personal things and social things. I don't know if I'll be adding to this site during the weekend, maybe. I could just use my desktop. The current class is ending right now. So this will be the last thought of the day. I'm pretty happy at how this site is going. I just like talking, so this lets me talk without speaking. Goodbye now. Gotta pack up. Have a good weekend if thats near. Goodbye and cya.
I have been using Neocities to attempt making something online for a long while. This website itself was made in 2023. This is the exact same HTML file as so many projects before. Neocities is truly an amazing web hoster. It's amazing I can make a website here, and for free. And their paid plan is not even a bad deal. At least from my knowledge. I'm not making anything really important. Just killing time and boredom. I really don't care if Neocities runs for profit every year. It's still doing an amazing job is it not? And I know it's meant to be something similar to Geocities. Thats pretty cool too. Another amazing thing with these types of services (Neocities and Wick Editor. Those things.) is that it lets the new generation really make things. Really be creative and leave a mark on the internet. It's way better than Google Sites. I personally feel that a horrible site made from your code and hard tinkering is 100% more valuable than a google sites template with changed text. This site does not mean a lot to me now. But maybe it will. I don't really know if this will just be another fad I work on then forget about. Or maybe I'll keep typing away on similar school chromebooks like this all the way through highschool. Only time can tell, and time is staying silent right now. Damn you time!!! Alright goodbye. Lunch is in 5 minutes so I'll just play final earth 2 on CoolMath Games till then. Cya.
Another worst part of school is being in a class, having a good seating chart, you know being around your friends and pals. And it all works out fine. Then either because a couple of kids, a group, or just because the teacher wants the seating chart changed. Completely. You now sit among people you don't know or don't like. I have a W.I.N class. It stands for What I Need. But recently in the second half of the year it is no longer that. The teachers have come together and created a "Choice Board". This board has a bunch of things for people to do during this W.I.N class. Various things spanning all core subjects. And if I were to give every 7th and 8th grader a forum saying "Would you like the Choice Board abolished?" then it would be at least 80% yes. W.I.N time used to be a 30 minute or 45 minute time where you can do any work you have from other classes. If you played your cards right you would be walking out of school without any homework. But now, we have this choice board, and a new seating chart. The chart has split up a bunch of friend groups. And not others. I would say like 2 friends groups have not been split up during the class. Just fractured a little. (Like two friends from the friend group being in one table together, with the friend group existing within the classroom. Just a little hard to communicate between each other.). Overall, the random change of seating charts suck. Honestly one of the worst things to happen in a class. Especially when one student needs to be moved for talking, and YOU out of all the people in the class have to be separated from your amazing seat because of some yapper. I'm in the class right now, and I would rather be doing ANYTHING than that choice board. Goodbye.
I should really start placing the time of these "thoughts". Since I guess I'll be doing a lot more throughout the day then just one. My least favorite subject in the whole education board is math. I guess the only reason why I don't like it is because I'm not that good at it. People do wonder why we learn these things in school. "Why do we learn all this math, not like I'm going to use it right?". That makes sense, you might never use the math you learn. But the education system is not meant to teach you things to become a functioning adult. It's built on a past idea, in years where learning math was a privilege. To say that your nation teaches math for free would have been something to flex. Simply giving your population the option to pursue a mathematical career. And it's sad many people don't care about that option. They disregard it. Its ok to go your own route, but just be thankful that your nation even has a central government.
During school hours, one must find a way to entertain themselves during boring classes. One way one could quench this thirst is finding a an unblocked game website somewhere. Most game websites have been blocked by the school system. (Interestly though, the school system that is a chrome extension on every chromebook has begun failing, CoolMathGames has been unblocked even!) One way others could entertain themselves is creating. Maybe drawing or animating. Wick Editor is a good tool for that, a pretty much abandoned project that you can use to make html games and animations. The Wick Editor forums are still active though. Thats pretty cool. One way I entertain myself is this website, just typing up things that come to mind at the moment. Well my first period is ending right now. So I'll cut this though short. Goodbye!
The worst place in the whole school is the middle school bathrooms. More specifically the boys bathroom. Every single day there is something new going on in there. Whether it be someone taking a piss on the ground (a usual occurrence) or someone taking a chunk out of the bathroom sink. One time there was literal shit inside one of the stalls. Literal shit. Honestly the best way for the school to combat this would just be creating a web of tattling students, encouraging them to do this through rewards. This is not a very good solution but would certainly make people more worried about doing things in the bathroom. The school could also start sending male bathroom monitors. Just have them stand by the bathroom, and if something seems to be going on within the bathroom the monitor could just pop in and see who is doing what. Overall I'm not sure what an actual solution could be, I just think the worst place to be, in the entire school is that bathroom. It's not going to get better in highschool huh?